It's a shoreline, it's high speed, and it's a cruel world

Saturday was a little more chill than Friday. We saw Does it Offend You, Yeah? who were a lot of fun. The people dancing next to us were even more exciting. I loved it and danced right along with them. 
does it offend you yeah

Later that evening we saw Broken Social Scene. I was really sad that Emily Haines wasn't there, but Amy Millan and Evan Cranley of Stars, as well as Andrew "Apostle of Hustle" Whiteman joined the already massive band. 
broken social scene

And last that day was Wilco. A wonderful way to end the day. Tweedy and gang came out dressed in colored suits with random characters and some sweet bedazzling. A man and his 13 or 14 year old daughter from Baltimore were next to me and Nat. It was their fourth time seeing Wilco together, but they were still just as excited as me and Nat about our front row status. The girl knew every word to every song Wilco sang. I wish I was that cool back in the day, I'm pretty sure I was still listening to Good Charlotte at 13. It wasn't even humid outside that night, which was kind of magical. 